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Page Properties

AuthorJan Dougherty
Last Updated


To grade tests or any other type of submitted assignment in Scholar, go to the Grade Center.

Scholar Full Grade CenterImage Modified

To grade a test or quiz question by question, first click on the contextual menu Grade Center Column TopImage Modifiedat the top of the corresponding column in the Grade Center. You’ll get the column menu. Select ‘Grade Questions’.

Grade QuestionsImage Modified

The following screen will display the questions from the test or quiz. Along with the question text in the center of the screen you will see these functions:


“Filter Questions by Status”  allows you to display only those questions which need grading.

Question Filter Needs GradingImage Modified

The Test Information link displays the information you included when building the test.

Test InformationImage Modified

Check this box if you want the responses to display without the students’ names when grading.


Click the Preview icon on the far left to see the corresponding test question as it looks when the test is taken.

Preview QuestionImage Modified

The next four columns contain information about each question.  You can see the text of the question, the type of question, how many points it is worth, and how many students have responded.

Question InformationImage Modified

Click the number in the Responses column to open a page will all of the answers for that question.

Question responsesImage Modified

On this page you will then be able to review and enter the grade for each response. In the area of each question will be the student name (or a # if grading anonymously), the student’s answer, and an ‘edit’ button.

Student Answer to QuestionImage Modified

To score the question, click the edit button.

Edit ButtonImage Modified

A window will pop up that allows you to enter the score, as well as feedback (depending on the type of question).

Score and FeedbackImage Modified

After entering the score and any feedback, click the submit button for that pop up window. You should get a success message and the score will be updated next to the edit button for that student’s answer. You can now repeat the process by selecting edit on the next answer.


After grading all entries for a question you can select the ‘back to questions’ button to return to the ‘grade questions’ page and select another question.  Back to QuestionImage Modified

Note the ‘show all’ and ‘edit paging’ functions. Particularly with larger classes you will need to either use show all, advance pages or set your paging to include all student entries.