A refund transaction must be started before any items/products are added. If you have already added items/products, you should void the transaction and start a new one.
Ui step
The option to perform a refund transaction is located in a hidden menu. Tap the empty space to the left of the text that reads "Make A Selection" to display the menu.
Ui step
Tap the icon in the Hidden Cashier Menu labeled, "Manager Functions".
Ui step
Tap the icon in the Hidden Manager Menu labeled, "Transaction Type". Then, select the "Refund Option". This will change the register into Refund Mode.
Ui step
Tap on the product you want to refund, and you'll see it appear in the list on the left-hand side of the screen.
Ui text box
You can add as many products or items as you want in a single transaction. Some products may prompt you for additional information when selected (such as a particular size or flavor for drinks).
Ui step
When you've added all the products you want, and you're ready to refund the transaction, tap on the Total button at the bottom of the screen.
Ui step
You'll see the Total Refund Amount at the top of the screen. Tap the desired tender to receive the refund at the bottom of the screen.
Ui step
Once the refund has been completed, the receipt(s) will print, and the screen will return to the normal menu.