Versions Compared


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Comment: changed for summer updates


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Last Updated


The Grade Center in Scholar has been replaced by a completely new Gradebook tool.  It functions completely differently from the Grade Center.


The overall grade is completely different from how it worked in the Original Grade Center.  If you haven't set up an overall grade for the course, there will be a button at the bottom of your Gradebook.  Otherwise, you can click the link in your Gradebook options.

ALL overall grades are now based on categories or individually-weighted columns.  You can no longer combine categories and columns in weights.  To choose whether to weight columns or categories, use the dropdown.

Image RemovedOverall grades can be calculated by weighted percentages, total points, or advanced calculations.  The first time you set up the overall grade, you'll be asked which you want to use. If you want to use advanced calculations, please contact Academic Technologies for assistance.  

If you click the wrong grading type, you can change it with the toggles at the top.

Grade Type TogglesImage Added

Points-Based Grading

If you select points, the grade will be calculated based on the total points earned divided by the total points possible.  Just like on Original courses, the default setting only counts those items that have been graded in the total.  If you want to drop grades, you can do so by using categories.

If you have something that should not be part of the final grade, click the no sign to remove it.

No SignImage Added

Weighted Grading

To set the percentage weight of your categories, enter them in the "Overall grade percentage" column.

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Unlike the default way of calculating grades on the original Grade Center, grades within a category have the total points added up and then divided by the total points possible.

For example, let's consider a category with two assignments, one worth 10 points and one worth 100 points

AssignmentOriginal (Old) Grade CenterUltra (New) Gradebook
10 points5 points earned5 points earned
100 points100 points earned100 points earned
Overall Grade calculation(50% + 100%) / 2 = 75%(100 + 5) / 110 ~ 95%

In the original Grade Center, you'd take the average of the percentages (pretty much disregarding the points possible).  Averaging the two grades gives you 75%.  In Ultra, all points are added up, then divided by the total points possible, for an overall grade of about 95%.

To set the percentage weight of your categories, enter them in the "Overall grade percentage" column.

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Click the no sign to remove a category or column from the calculation.

Working With Categories

To drop grades from a category, click Add Rule.


Click the toggle, click Drop Scores, and enter a number of scores to drop.

Grading Based on Total Points

If you want to grade on total points, assign ALL graded items to the same category.  Then weight that category at 100% of the overall grade.To remove an item from its category for grading purposes, click the Unlink button.

Unlink ButtonImage Added