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AuthorJan Dougherty
Last Updated

Mar 2023



There is no event quite as frustrating as accidentally deleting a grade or grade column from the Scholar Grade Center.  While Scholar records each change that you make to the Grade Center, you may find it easier to restore from a backup.  This article describes how to back up your Grade Center.

The Grade Center Gradebook has a feature that allows you to save a copy on your own computer. You may want to save a copy before and after you make major changes to your Grade Center layout or grade a large number of papers.


In the course, use the control panel to access the Full Grade Centerfull Gradebook.

Scholar Full Grade CenterImage Removed

Choose Download from the Work Offline menu in Ultra GradebookImage Added

On the upper - right corner of the Grade CenterScholar Download Grade CenterImage Removedthere are a series of icons, right below the Student Preview button. Select the Download buttons, which looks like a box with an arrow pointing downwards.

Download FileImage Added

On the screen sidebar that comes up, you will be able to download either the full grade center or a specific column.

Scholar Download Grade Center Data SelectImage Removed

In the next section, select Comma Delimited You can also select to download the Grade History, which provides the history of changes made to individual grades.  You will also be able to select the file type of the download;  select a .csv file for the file type, as there are problems importing the tab delimited format into newer versions of Excel.  Then choose if you want to include hidden columns and/or users.

Scholar Grade Center Delimiter TypeImage Removed

To save the information to your computer, make sure My Computer is selected as the download location.

Image Removed

Once you have everything selected, click submit and you’ll be taken to a screen that will allow you to download your Grade Center. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the file.

Scholar Grade Center Download ButtonImage Removed

You can then open the file in Excel or another spreadsheet program to verify the data is all there and ready should you need to refer to it later.  When you have chosen all your settings, click 'Download' to download the file to your computer. 

Download SettingsImage Added

When you need to upload this file, follow a similar process. This time, select the upload button, which looks like a box with an arrow pointing upwards. 

Upload FileImage Added

Using the sidebar that pops up, you can either browse for the desired file, or drag and drop it into the space. Select Upload to upload the file onto your Gradebook. 

Select Upload FileImage Added