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Page Properties

AuthorJan Dougherty
Last Updated



Scholar has a Journals tool content type that allows students to keep a journal log which is, by default, shown only to the instructor and the individual student.

By default, the journal tool is hidden from students.  To show the tool to students, click on the dropdown next to Journals and click “Show Link”

Scholar Show Journal LinkImage Removed

The link will then be displayed to students.

Scholar Journals LinkImage Removed

Clicking this link will take students directly to the Journals tool. There, you can create the journals you wish to use in your class. For students, it is a page that allows them to navigate to their journal.

Scholar Journal SpaceImage Removed

This page lists all of the Journals in the course.

Scholar All Journals In CourseImage Removed

You can edit (use the echelon symbol next to the name) and alter availability here (use edit, or the check boxes and Availability button). Also, note that under Entries any material you have not read yet will be listed as 'new'.

To start a Journal assignment, click on 'Create Journal'.

Scholar Create JournalImage Removed

On the Create Journal page you'll put in quite a bit of information.

First, enter a title for the journal.  You can then include any instructions that you’d like to give students for how to complete the journal.  This text box supports pictures, video, or attachments.

Scholar Journal Title DescriptionImage Removed

Next, choose whether or not you want the journal to be available. Generally, the selection here is 'yes'. If you wish to manually control availability and do not want the journal accessible by students until a later date you can select no here.

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You can set a weekly or monthly time frame for the indexing of journal entries. This cleans up the look of the journal moving entries to an index whereby you can still steer to older entries. If you require a high volume of entries then weekly is probably the better choice here.

You can opt whether or not to allow users to edit and delete their own entries and comments. In this case, adjustments might be made after you have entered grades if the Journal remains available. You can also opt to let course users view the journals of their classmates. This function also allows them to comment.


If the rubric has point values you will be prompted to accept that total as the value for the Points Possible field.

**While the rubric can be created during this step, it is generally a better workflow to create rubrics separately prior to creating the assignment and simply attach them to the assignment.

Once all your settings have been entered, hit submit. Depending on the instructor's use of the tool, these journals can be graded, or simply used for communication. 

To create a journal, click the Add Content button where you'd like it to go, and select Create. 

create buttonImage Added


Scroll down to the Participation and Engagement section, and select Journal. 

Create JournalImage Added

Clicking this link will take the instructor directly into the Journal that has just been created. In this space, title the Journal and provide a short description of what you want the journal to be about and what you want your students to focus on. 

Journal Title and DescriptionsImage Added

This space would also allow you to change the settings for this specific journal. Click the gear icon to alter the settings. For Journals, these settings primarily consist of whether or not the Journal will be graded, but instructors can also select whether their students can edit or delete posts or comments. 

Settings IconImage AddedJournal SettingsImage Added


Choose your desired settings and click Save.  At this point the journal assignment is ready for students.
