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Page Properties

AuthorJan Dougherty
Last Updated

05 2023  


Scholar has a Journals tool content type that allows students to keep a journal log which is, by default, shown only to the instructor and the individual student. By default, Journals are hidden from students. To create/show Depending on the instructor's use of the tool, these journals can be graded, or simply used for communication. 

To create a journal, click the Add Content button at the top of the Course Content spacewhere you'd like it to go, and select Create. 

create buttonImage Added

Create ContentImage Removed 

Scroll down to the Participation and Engagement section, and select Journal. 


Clicking this link will take students the instructor directly to the Journals tool. There, you can create the type of Journal you wish to use in your classinto the Journal that has just been created. In this space, title the Journal and provide a short description of what you want the journal to be about and what you want your students to focus on. 


This space would also allow you to change the settings for this specific journal. Click the gear icon to alter the settings. For Journals, these settings primarily consist of whether or not the Journal will be graded, but instructors can also select whether their students can edit or delete posts or comments. 

Settings IconImage RemovedSettings IconImage AddedJournal Settings


Choose your desired settings and click Save.  At this point the journal assignment is ready for students.
