Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Occasionally we do add an image block as a placeholder for new faculty, but this usually only occurs during the summer. We get a list of new faculty members from Carolyn Davis, generate their hash number, and add the image. We do not build people blocks or people pages for them -- this is done through a Watermark/Digital Measures automation. The placeholder image block must be created in order for the automation to run.

Get hash number from CNU ID using Google Doc

  • Open staffMaker Google Doc
  • Navigate to tab GET HASH#
  • Add in staff member name in column A and CNU ID in column C
  • The CNU ID cell should be formatted for Plain Text so that it does not automatically remove any preceding zeros. If it does remove them, reformat cell and paste again
  • If the number is d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e it is incorrect, that is the default for a blank entry
  • Generate the hash number in column B
    • Type =md5(C[corresponding row number])
      • For example, Megan Alston is in row 281. To generate her hash, you would type in =md5(C281) in column B
  • Copy the hash number

Add image

  • Go to site _images
  • Select folder people
  • If headshot exists:
    • In Photoshop, size the image and save for web using the naming convention: christopher-newport-university[firstname-lastname]-[size]x[size].jpg 
    • In Cascade, click +Add Content and select Folder with image block
    • In the System Name field, paste the hash number created above.
    • Block will be named _image
    • Upload headshot: Click +Add Content and then select Image File.
    • Edit image block
    • Add Alt text of staff member's first and last name
    • Link the file you just uploaded to the headshot field
  • If no headshot exists:
    • Browse to _images/_nopic/headshot.jpg
    • Click ...More at the top right and select Download
    • Save the image to your desktop using the naming convention: christopher-newport-university[firstname-lastname]-200x300.jpg
    • Create the folder in _images/_people
    • Click +Add Content and select Folder with image block
    • In the System Name field, paste the hash number created above.
    • Block will be named _image
    • Upload the cupola image you just downloaded to the folder just created
    • Edit image block
    • Replace existing Alt text with the new staff member's first and last name
    • Link the cupola image file you just uploaded to the headshot field
  • Submit
  • Publish image file to all destinations