Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Appears at the top of all pages. It includes the top navigation with the audience listing and calls to action and the main navigation that includes the six main sections of the website and the search bar.

Create a _navigation block

  • Click +Add Content

  • Click Section navigation

  • The XHTML/Data Definition Block Name must always be _navigation:

    Screenshot of nav blockImage Removed
  • Click Placement Folder and browse to the parent folder where the _navigation block should reside

  • Enter the Link text

  • Click Link and locate the page to link to

  • To add another link, click the green + in the Section nav link header

The Add sublinks? prompt is set to No by default. Selecting Yes will create a dropdown menu of sublinks under the main section nav link.

Note: because of the dropdown, the main section nav link will not be “active”, meaning it will not link anywhere. If you use sublinks, the first one you create will need to the main page that houses the sublinks.


The blocks for the site wide navigation are located in the /_source-data folder:


Do not rename or move them – it will break the navigation!


The site wide navigation blocks follow a similar structure to the section navigation blocks with options for main links and sublinks. The site wide navigation blocks have already been created, but you are able to edit them and update the Link text and Link. You can also rearrange the link order using the arrows in the header for each Main nav link and Sublink.

Block name



the default main navigation for

navigation - academics

main navigation for all pages that fall under the Academics section

navigation - admission

main navigation for all pages that fall under the Admission section

navigation - student life

main navigation for all pages that fall under the Student Life section

navigation - who we are

main navigation for all pages that fall under the Who We Are section

When you create a page, the default navigation block will be assigned to it. If you create an _Academics, _Admission, _Student Life, or _Who We Are page, the coinciding navigation block will be assigned based on page type.

Publishing the navigation

If you edit a link or change the navigation order, the navigation _include file must be published or else your edits will not appear on the live site.