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AuthorJanna Dougherty 
Last Updated

05 2023 


You can embed YouTube videos in many places you’re able to enter text on Scholar.  There are two ways to do so: searching for a YouTube video and embedding into another type of content, or manually linking a video that you've already located on YouTube.


Once you’ve set that option, you can scroll down to the bottom.  Click Insert to embed the video into your content. 

Insert VideoImage Modified

Placing Video Links within Content

If you already know the URL for the YouTube Video you wish to embed, you can add it directly to the content yourself. When selecting the Add Content button, click Media instead of YouTube Video. 


A window will then open allowing you to Paste the URL as well as a description of the video being linked. 

Insert Media Paste LinkImage Modified

When you have provided all the needed information, click "Insert". This will embed the video into your content. (Note: If the video in question has settings that prevent embedding, these features will only provide a link instead.) 

Linking Videos Directly

Sometimes you may not be able to use the Mashup search to add the video.  You may be sharing one of your own unlisted videos, a video published with settings that prevent embedding, or you may just find it more convenient since you've already located the video that you want.  If this is the case, you can directly link the video.

First, find the video on YouTube, and copy the URL at the top of the browser. 

YouTube Video URLImage Removed


Create New ContentImage Removed

Select Link from the list of options, and paste the copied URL into the space provided. 

Create LinkImage RemovedLink URLImage RemovedClick Submit, and the link will be added to Scholar. Note that this method does not embed the video to be viewed from within Scholar, but links out to the YouTube video's primary location.