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The Grade Center in Scholar has been replaced by a completely new Gradebook tool.  It functions completely differently from the Grade Center.

To access the Gradebook click the Gradebook link at the top of the screen.

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The gradebook has three four views: Overview, Student, Gradable Items, and Grades you can click on the view toggle to change it.

Gradebook viewsImage Added

The Overview tab has a list of all items that need to be graded and/or posted.

Gradebook ViewsImage RemovedOverview tabImage Added

If you choose Gradable Items, you can click on the assignment to grade it.

Gradable Items ViewImage RemovedGradable Items ViewImage Added

If you are looking at Students, you can click on the student to view and edit all that student's grades.

Students ViewImage RemovedStudents ViewImage Added

Grades view is more like a traditional gradebook.  You'll see your students as rows and the assignments in columns.


To grade a student's work, you can click the View button. After you grade a student's work, you'll need to post the grade so that they can see it.  Click the grade and choose Post.

View and PostImage RemovedView and PostImage Added

To post all grades for a particular assignment, click that assignment and choose post.

Click PostImage RemovedClick PostImage Added

Adding Columns

Just like with the original Grade Center, any tests or assignments collected in Scholar automatically get columns. You should NOT add gradebook columns for these items.  If you want to add a column for something that is collected outside of Scholar, hover where you'd like it in either the Gradable Items view or the Grid View and click the plus sign.  Then choose "Add Item".

Add Item Grades viewImage RemovedAdd Item Grades viewImage Added Add Item Gradable Items viewImage Modified

Once you do that, the column information popup will appear on the right.


Next, you can control whether the column is visible to students and set a due date for the non-Scholar assignment.

Visibility and due dateImage RemovedVisibility and due dateImage Added

You can choose whether you're displaying the grade on percentage, points, or a letter, and how many total points the assignment will be.

Grading MethodsImage RemovedGrading MethodsImage Added

Finally, choose the grade category that you want the assignment to be in.  This is especially important with how the Ultra Gradebook does calculations.

Grade categoryImage RemovedGrade categoryImage Added

Click Save at the bottom and the column will be created.


To change the overall settings for the Gradebook, click the gear icon at the top right.

Grade settingsImage RemovedGrade settingsImage Added

You can change the translation of percentages to letter grades by clicking the grade schema link.

Grade Schema linkImage RemovedGrade Schema linkImage Added

If you've set up an overall grade, you can set notifications to come to you and your students when their grade falls below a percentage you choose and/or they've been inactive for a certain amount of time.

Student performanceImage RemovedStudent performanceImage Added

You can have Scholar automatically assign zeroes to students that don't submit assignments by the listed due date.  These grades can be updated later, and students with accommodations will not be penalized.

Assign automatic zeroesImage RemovedAssign automatic zeroesImage Added

Click "Manage overall grade settings" to set up the overall grade.  This will be discussed in a later section.

Manage overall grade settingsImage RemovedManage overall grade settingsImage Added

Next you can control the categories in the Gradebook. Scholar has several built-in categories, but you can add your own by clicking Add New Category.

Add new categoryImage RemovedAdd new categoryImage Added

Type a name and press enter.

Add categoryImage RemovedAdd categoryImage Added

You can change the name of or delete a category that you create by clicking the three dots next to that category.

Category menuImage RemovedCategory menuImage Added

Overall Grade

The overall grade is completely different from how it worked in the Original Grade Center.  If you haven't set up an overall grade for the course, there will be a button at the bottom of your Gradebook.  Otherwise, you can click the link in your Gradebook options.

Overall grade settingsImage RemovedOverall grade settingsImage Added

Overall grades can be calculated by weighted percentages, total points, or advanced calculations.  The first time you set up the overall grade, you'll be asked which you want to use. If you want to use advanced calculations, please contact Academic Technologies for assistance.  

If you click the wrong grading type, you can change it with the toggles at the top.

Calculation type toggleImage RemovedCalculation type toggleImage Added

Points-Based Grading


If you have something that should not be part of the final grade, click the no sign to remove it.

Remove gradeImage RemovedRemove gradeImage Added

Weighted Grading

The first thing that you have to choose is how grades within a category are calculated, Equally (this was the default in Original courses) or Proportionally.

Weigh equally or proportionallyImage RemovedWeigh equally or proportionallyImage Added

For example, let's consider a category with two assignments, one worth 10 points and one worth 100 points


To set the percentage weight of your categories, enter them in the "Overall grade percentage" column.

PercentageImage RemovedPercentageImage Added

Click the no sign to remove a category or column from the calculation.

Remove from calculationImage RemovedRemove from calculationImage Added

Working With Categories

To drop grades from a category, click "Edit calculation rules" or to change the number of dropped grades, click "[#] scores dropped".

Edit calculation rulesImage RemovedEdit calculation rulesImage Added

Click the toggle, click Drop Scores, and enter a number of scores to drop.

Drop scoresImage RemovedDrop scoresImage Added

To remove an item from its category for grading purposes, click the Unlink button.

Unlink buttonImage RemovedUnlink buttonImage Added

Display Type

To change how the overall grade looks to students, select the way you'd like it to look from "Select how the overall grade is displayed" at the left.

Overall grade displayImage RemovedOverall grade displayImage Added