To create an assignment in Scholar, navigate to a content area within scholar. Once there, choose Assignment from the Assessments menu.
You’ll be taken to the Create Assignment screen. You must give the assignment a name in the Name field, and can include instructions for the assignment in the indicated box.
If you’d like, you can attach a file for students to download (useful if you’ve already created one or more documents with extensive instructions). To do so, click “Browse My Computer” and select the file.
Next, you can set the due date for the assignment. This will not keep students from submitting their assignments, but will display in the students’ calendars and will mark the assignment as late in your Grade Center.
Enter the points possible into the next field.
SafeAssign or Multiple Attempts
If you want to allow students to have multiple attempts or use SafeAssign, click the Submission Details link.
That will open up the Submission Details link. To allow students to submit the assignment multiple times, change the Number of Attempts dropdown to either Multiple attempts or Unlimited attempts. You can then enter the number of attempts allowed and choose which attempt will be counted as the grade.
To use SafeAssign, check the box next to “Check submissions for plagiarism using SafeAssign”. You can then allow them to view their SafeAssign reports by checking the Allow students to see the report that SafeAssign generates for their submission. Checking Exclude submissions does not add the submission to the SafeAssign database (this is extremely important if you use plagiarism checking on drafts, then have students submit the final as well).
Grading Options
If you want to hide the names associated with student submissions during the grading process, you can check the Enable Anonymous Grading in the Grading Options menu. As we usually only have one instructor per class, Enable Delegated Grading won’t have any effect.
Display of Grades
The Display of Grades menu gives you the grading options that previously had to be set from within the Grade Center.
“Display grade as” gives you the option of how the grade is displayed. The Primary display is shown both to you in the Grade Center, and to students in the My Grades module. The Secondary display is shown only to you. You have several choices of how the grade is displayed:
- Score: displays the raw score for the assignment
- Percent: displays the score as a percentage of points possible
- Letter: displays the score as a letter grade based on Blackboard’s grading scale
- Text: used for ungraded assignments; displays simple text
- Complete/incomplete: displays a checkmark if any grade is entered
Unless this assignment will not be part of the students’ final grades, leave Include in Grade Center grading calculations checked. By default, the grade is displayed to students. Uncheck the Show to students in My Grades box to hide it. At the bottom, you can choose to show the students the average and median grades for the assignment by checking Show Statistics. In small classes, this is not recommended, as students may be able to calculate information about other students’ grades.
To show the item to students, check the Make the Assignment Available box. If you want, you can set specific availability dates under Limit Availability. Make sure to use the calendar ( ) and clock (
) dropdowns to select the dates, as Scholar requires extremely precise formats for dates.
When you’re satisfied with the assignment settings, click Submit to create it.
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