AuthorJan Dougherty
Last Updated



With Office 2016 Microsoft made changes to PowerPoint that make embedding YouTube videos in PowerPoint much easier.  To use these features, your PowerPoint install should have been updated throughout the CNU campus over the summer. If you need assistance with updating PowerPoint, file a request in this system or contact the Customer Service Desk at 594-7079.
To embed a YouTube video in a PowerPoint presentation, you’ll need to select the Insert tab upon opening your presentation.

.PowerPoint Insert Tab

In the ribbon that pops up, choose “Customize Ribbon,” select ‘Video’ to open the drop-down menu, then select ‘Online Video’ from the dropdown menu.

Online Video Icon


The resulting window provides a search bar for YouTube, as well as a space to paste embed codes if an embed code is available.

YouTube Video Search

To use the embed function:


First, find the video that you’d like to embed on YouTube's website.  Click on Share.


Share Icon on YouTube

Choose Embed from the box that appears.  The embed code will appear, along with a set of additional embed options. 

Embed Options


Uncheck “Enable privacy-enhanced mode”

Enable Privacy-Enhanced Mode

Then, copy everything in the text box. Return to PowerPoint and paste the text in the field titled ‘Paste embed code here’.

Paste Embed Code Here

To use the YouTube search function:


Type the title or keywords from the video into the search bar provided. Click the Magnifying glass icon to perform a search.


Search for YouTube Video

The field will populate with thumbnails for videos that match up with your search. Clicking on one thumbnail will provide the name of the video, as well as a link you can click on to verify that it is the desired content. Note that you will not be able to preview or play the videos from this screen; you will need to do so either from YouTube directly, or after embedding. You will also not be able to locate an unlisted video using this method; if embedding an unlisted video, you will need to use the prior method. 

Insert Video

Click ‘Insert’ to embed the video onto your Powerpoint slide.

For either method, the video will appear as an image of the video's thumbnail on your slide:  

Video on PowerPoint Slide

When you run the slide show, the video will be embedded where the thumbnail  is shown.