Creating Tests on Scholar


Tired of Scantron?  Scholar allows faculty to create tests, administer them to students, and have most question types automatically graded.  Whether you want to give a low-stakes reading quiz, or make your final exam grading easier, Scholar can help. This workshop will teach you how to create questions, set up your test and grade it.


Faculty members taking this workshop should:

  • use exams in their classes
  • be able to log in to scholar and access their classes

Required Participant Prep Work



  • Test creation
  • Test questions
  • Display options
  • Deploying a test
  • Grading a test
  • Correcting errors and regrading

Learning Outcomes

After completing this workshop, faculty members should be able to:

  • Create a test on the Scholar system
  • Add the following types of questions to a test:
    • Calculated Numeric
    • Either/Or
    • Essay
    • Fill in the Blank
    • Matching
    • Multiple Choice/Multiple Answer
  • Select the display options that work best for their situation
  • Deploy a test
  • Grade a test
  • Correct errors in test questions