Creating Tests

Creating Tests

In the new Ultra interface, you can create tests or quizzes using either Assignments or Quizzes.

Creating Tests

For our example, we'll use Tests.  Click the plus sign where you want the test to go and choose Create.


Choose Test.


Give your test a name


To add a question, click the plus sign and choose the question type.


Question Types

Calculated Formula

The Calculated Formula question type allows you to ask a question involving numbers that 

Type your question, putting variables in square brackets.  DO NOT give answers in the variables, they may be visible to students.


Enter the formula used to calculate the answer in the box below. If you want students to see the formula that you use to calculate the answer (not recommended) check the checkbox.  Then, click next.


You can set the number of decimal places or significant figures to round to.


You can also give full or partial credit for all answers in a range, or require units.


Next, you'll set the maximum and minimum values for each variable, then click Next.


You're given a preview of potential answer for the question.  IF these look correct, click Save.



Essay questions are any free-answer question. Unlike the other question types, these are not gradable by Scholar.

Simply type your question text and click Save


Fill in the Blank

Fill in the blank questions can be used for anything where the student will type their own response and you'd like Scholar to grade them.  These work best for one or two word answers in which correct spelling is required.

Type your question.  Anywhere you'd like the student to fill in a word, place the answer in square brackets.  If there are multiple acceptable answers, separate them with semicolons (e.g. \[red; blue; green]).   For "short answer" questions that are questions with a one- or two-word answer, just place the brackets and answer at the end. Once you have your question, then click Next Step.


You'll be able to edit your answers, choose whether to match exactly("Mario" matches ONLY "Mario"), or just to have the answer be required to contain the answer ("Mario" matches "Mario" "Super Mario" or "Mario is not the answer").  You can also control whether or not the answer is case sensitive.


At the bottom, you can choose whether or not the student can get partial credit for answering some of the fill in the blank questions wrong.


Click Save to add the question


Type the prompt (what you're matching) in the top box.  Then type the things you'll match in the boxes below.  Click "Add Pair" to add an additional set of things to match.


If you're going to reuse an answer, you can click the three dots and choose Reuse Answer.  Then choose the answer.


You can add unmatched answers below.


You can choose whether students get partial credit if they miss one of the matches, or if they have to get them all right to get credit for the question. 


Click Save to finish the question.

Multiple Choice

Ultra combines the Multiple Choice and Multiple Answer questions from the original test interface into one.

Type your question in the top box, and the potential answers in the boxes below.  Click Add Choice to add additional answer choices.  Check the box(es) next to the correct answer(s).


If there are multiple correct answers, you get the option to allow partial credit.  As students can then check all boxes to get credit, this is not recommended.  Click Save to finish the question.


While you could set up a multiple choice question to be a true/false one, Ultra does have a True/Fales question type.  It's pretty simple.  Enter the question at the top, and select True or False below.  Then click Save.

Feedback and Points

You can set the number of points that a question is worth by clicking on the point value and changing it.


To leave automated feedback for students (based on whether they got the answer correct) check Automated Feedback.


Test Settings

To access the test settings, click any of the setting information, or the gear at the top right.


You can set a due date for the test.


DO NOT check the "Allow class conversations" box, as that will allow students to post on a discussion board about the test.  You can, however, randomize the order of the questions and/or the answers in multiple choice questions.


Next, choose the Grade Center category, number of attempts, and whether it displays as points, a percentage, or a letter grade.


The next settings control when students see the feedback, whether they got questions right, and the correct answers.  Click any of the links to edit the settings.

Score and Feedback Settings

Show Automated Feedback controls when the "Correct Answer Feedback" and "Incorrect Answer Feedback"  items show to students.  "Show question scores" allow students to see what they got right and wrong, as well as any partial credit.  Finally, the "Show Correct Answers" checkbox determines whether the correct answers are shown to students and allows you to select when to display them if it is checked.


For "Show Automated Feedback" you have the following options:

  • After Submission shows the feedback immediately
  • After Due Date shows the feedback after the due date has passed
  • After All Grades Are Posted waits to show the feedback until the "Post All Grades" button is clicked for the test, or until the "Post Grade" button is clicked for each student
  • On Specific Date will show the feedback at a specific date and time that you'll put in after selecting it.


The "Show question scores" and "Show correct answer" dropdown menus are similar EXCEPT instead of "After submission", they have "After individual grade is posted".  This option shows each student's grade as soon as you click the "Post Grade" button for that student.

If you want to set a password for the test (for instance, if you want students to take a test in class), you can click Add Access Code.


To add a timer to the test, click Add Time Limit.


Enter the time in minutes that you would like the student to have, then choose whether you want the test to submit when the time runs out.  This is recommended. 


Click the X to return to the test settings.


You can turn on SafeAssign for all essay questions by clicking the Enable SafeAssign link.


Click the Toggle to enable SafeAssign.  Just like for assignments, you can also allow students to see the report, and/or cause the document not to be checked on future runs of SafeAssign.


Click Save to save the settings.