Connect my Streaming Media Player to the "CNU-Res" wireless network

Connect my Streaming Media Player to the "CNU-Res" wireless network


The "CNU-Res" wireless network is available in all residence halls for the purpose of connecting devices such as; Gaming Consoles, Streaming Media Players, SmartTVs, and other IoT devices. In order to connect these devices to the wireless network "CNU-Res" please follow the steps below. The "CNU-Res" wireless network will NOT support computers, smart phones, or tablets; please continue to connect those devices to eduroam for internet access.

Steps for Connecting your device to "CNU-Res"

(Step #1) Navigate to Registration Page - LINK

  • Username = Enter your CNU email address

  • Password = CNU Account Password

Registration Page
Registration Page


(Step #2) Create Device

  • Device Name = Enter a name of your choice

  • Device Type = From the dropdown menu select the correct device type

  • MAC Address = Enter your device's "WiFi" MAC Address

    • For assistance finding the MAC Address of your device please visit your manufacturers support website 

  • Click the "Submit" button when finished

Students are permitted to register up to five devices only.


Create Device
Create Device


(Step #3) Record the "Connection Instructions"

  • After clicking the submit button you will be presented with important information required for connecting to the "CNU-Res" wireless network. You will need this information when connecting your device to the wireless network.

  • Connect to the wireless network: CNU-Res

    • Security type = WPA2-Personal

    • Encryption type = AES

  • Encryption "Preshared Key" = *************


(Step #4) Connecting your Streaming Media Player to "CNU-Res"