Requesting a Single Resource Allocation/Collection for an Employee in ERS

Requesting Resource Allocation

As a supervisor, you may need to request the allocation of a specific University resource for one of your employees from HR. This can be done through the Employee Resource System (ERS), which is located here. Log into ERS using your CNU credentials and select Supervisor View, which should show you a list of your current employees under your supervision. Click Select next to the desired Employee to see their current Resource Profile. 

Supervisor View Select

An Employee's Resource Profile will display their basic employee information, as well as a list of resources currently allocated to them. To request a new resource for this employee, click "Request Resource For Employee". 

Request Resource Button

You will be brought to a form for the resource request. The greyed-out fields are pre-filled with the employee information. You will only be responsible for the last four fields in the form: 

  • Request Due Date should be filled with the date by which you wish the employee to have the resource. Note: The form currently does not contain a field for end dates of resource allocation; any resources allocated are allocated with no given end date. If a resource allocation is meant to be temporary, please contact HR directly. 
  • Pick a Resource is a drop-down menu displaying the resources that could be allocated to this employee. Select the desired resource for this employee. 
  • Request Notes should be filled with a short note or explanation of the need for this resource allocation. This will be a required field for allocation to be approved. 
  • Attachment  is a space for additional documentation to be attached to the form. If the allocation of a specific resource demands additional paperwork to be approved, this is where said paperwork should be included in the form. Note: At this time, this space can only accept one attachment at a time. If your paperwork takes up multiple documents, please consolidate them into one document and compress it to 2 MB or less. 

Once all fields have been filled out, click Submit. The request will be submitted for review, and you will be returned to Supervisor View. 

Requesting Single Resource Collection

If an employee's job requirements change (ex. if a project concludes), you may need to request that their access to a specific resource be removed. At this time, the ERS system is not set up for supervisors to request the collection of a single resource. Please contact the HR department to arrange the collection of the resource.Â