Create Announcements for Ultra Courses

Create Announcements for Ultra Courses

In Scholar, a course announcement will appear in the My Announcements module of a start page and on the Announcements page. Some users choose to make that page the entry point for their course. There are two methods you can use to create an announcement for a course: Through the Qwickly module, or through the Course Tools for the individual course. Note: For either method, once the announcement is posted, it will pop up for viewing as soon as the student next accesses your course. 

Announcements via Qwickly:

To create an announcement for one or more classes at once, locate the Qwickly module. It will be nested under the Tools link on your sidebar, and labeled "Qwickly Course Tools". 

Within the tool menu, select "Announcement". 
Send Announcement
This will pop open a window that will allow you to create the announcement. Select the courses that you wish to create the announcement for on the right-hand side of the box, and use the Subject and Message fields to write your announcement.

Announcements Qwickly

If you wish to email the announcement as well, select ‘Also send as email’.

Click Submit to post the Announcement to each course selected.

Creating Announcement from the Course:

To create an announcement for a specific course from within a course, enter the course. Select "Create Announcement" from the menu on the top of the course. 

Announcements Menu

You will be taken to a page containing any announcements already made for the course; if you have made an announcement before, this will be empty. To create an announcement, click the plus sign at the top right of the window. 

Announcements List


This will open the page for a new announcement. On this page you must title your announcement in the Title field, and select the recipients using the Recipients field. Then you can enter the announcement, including text, links, even audio and video in the Visual Text Box Editor.


At the bottom you can choose whether the announcement is also sent as an email. You can also choose to schedule the announcement to be shown on a given date, or be hidden after a certain date. Note: The date fields for Schedule Announcement are only visible if "Schedule announcement" is checked. 


Once you've completed entering the announcement information, click "Submit". 

Your announcement will be posted or scheduled to post (a success message will appear at the top of your page) and, if selected, an email will be sent.

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