Adding subpage navigation

Subpage sections have their own navigation built using the _navigation block of the main section that it is nested under. If a subpage section will have multiple pages, creating a _config block and linking the new subpage section _navigation block to it will save you the trouble of remembering to link the subpage section _navigation block to all pages within that secion.

  • Copy _navigation block from root folder

Screenshot of file tree in Cascade CMS

  • Browse to new subpage section and add _navigation block

Screenshot of copy block dialogue box in Cascade CMS

  • Edit the _navigation block in the subpage section and link all relevant subpages
  • Click + Add Content and select Config from the dropdown
    • The block name should remain _config
    • Update the section name if applicable
    • Link the _navigation block for the subpage section in the Left Widgets section
    • Submit edits