Used for sections of the website that contain multiple subpages and/or subfolders, such as /admission
. The section navigation block should reside in the parent folder of that section.
Create a _navigation block
Click +Add Content
Click Section navigation
The XHTML/Data Definition Block Name must always be _navigation:
Click Placement Folder and browse to the parent folder where the _navigation block should reside
Enter the Link text
Click Link and locate the page to link to
To add another link, click the green + in the Section nav link header
Adding sublinks
The Add sublinks? prompt is set to No by default. Selecting Yes will create a dropdown menu of sublinks under the main section nav link.
Note: because of the dropdown, the main section nav link will not be “active”, meaning it will not link anywhere. If you use sublinks, the first one you create will need to the main page that houses the sublinks.