About this site

  • Exclusively for open house events
  • Blocked from Google via robots.txt so you don't get there without using the QR codes (or typing out the URL)
  • Accessible via QR codes on event signage & handouts

Pages not in use

Page Types

✅  Filter page

  • Nine pages using this in total. No more of these pages should ever need to be created unless we add a new category.
    • The one main page will list all programs and have dropdown filter options for selecting a category and program type, along with a reset button.
    • The eight category specific pages have just the program type and a reset button with a link to “see all programs” that takes you to the main page.
  • Uses metadata from progarm pages to automate blocks with the program title and type(s) available.
    • Has the option to include the header image & degrees on these, but it was removed for ease of use on a phone.

Program page

  • Intended to be a high level overview of the field where you can dig deeper into our program if you want.
  • Content fields can be expanded in the future, but will require IT Web Services to modify page templates as this automates the section headings.
  • Would like to use registrar data & add hidden metadata fields to customize the "Explore other programs" to be relevant to that specific program, not just anything in that category.


  • ✅ Display Name & Title: Program name. Both elements are used in different places so it’s best to make them match for now. They may change purposes in future iterations of the site.
  • ❌ Description: Generally used for SEO, but this page is hidden from Google so it is not filled in.
  • ✅ Program Type: Type(s) of offerings for this program of study. This content is used on the filter pages and to determine what sidebar appears. Select all that apply.
  • ❌ Degrees Offered: Degrees available with this program (not applicable for minors). Select all that apply.
  • ✅ Academic Interests: Categories this program fits into. Select all that apply.
  • Exclude from search indexing?: The whole site is hidden from search indexing so this is irrelevant at the moment

Main Content

  • Header image [File selector]: Turned off at the moment since finding 70+ relevant photos was difficult
  • ✅ About the field [Text editor]: A short paragraph or two about the general field so students can get an idea if they want to pursue this
  • ✅ Career options [Text editor]: Bullet list of five possible jobs/careers you could get with this degree/study/certification 
  • ✅ Get more information [Link selector]: A link to the relevant areas of study page in, which provides the catalog information & a link to the related department(s)
  • ✅ Explore other programs [Automated]: An expanding panel list of links to the other programs with the same category tags as the current page. If a program has multiple tags, it will list all programs with either tag.


Four options, undergraduate, mat, mfina, ms. The correct one is automatically added based on the program metadata. Includes the following elements:

  • ✅ How to apply: uses the deadlines block to fill in information and has a link to relevant how to apply information on
  • Tuition: uses the tuition block in _source-data to output the tuition info for either undergraduate or graduate based on selection in program sidebar blocks in _source-data

❌ Standard page 

  • Not in use
  • Page with two column template

❌ Layered page

  • Not in use
  • Intended for landing page, layered content to drive you further in the site

How to…

Add a program

  • Go to Add Content
  • Select new academic program page
  • Name the page the program name using - instead of spaces
  • Enter the program name in the Display Name and Title fields
  • Skip the description field for the time being
  • Select all applicable program types
  • Select all applicable degrees offered (not used at this time, but still good to have in case)
  • Select all applicable academic interests. These are the categories used to populate the filter pages
  • Ignore “Exclude from search indexing?”
  • In the About the program text editor
    • Use CMD + Shift + V to paste without formatting the brief description.
    • Style that content as a paragraph (make sure the space at the bottom of the text editor is showing a “p” and not “span” or “div”)
  • In the Career options text editor
    • Use CMD + Shift + V to paste without formatting the job titles.
    • Style that content as a bullet list (should be able to tell by looking but you can also check that the space at the bottom of the text editor is showing a “ul >> li”)
  • In the Area of Study page link
    • Link to the appropriate page in the site under academics/aos
  • Comment changes, link Trello card, and submit the block
  • Publish the program page and all relevant filter pages to make this update live on the website

Update program sidebar content

This is only to select what content is visible in the sidebar include files. If you are trying to update the tuition or deadlines, see those sections below as these aggregate automatically to sidebars. 

  • Go to _source-data
  • Select block “Program sidebar - [sidebar you want to change]”
  • Select the deadlines & tuition values you wish to appear in the sidebar.
    • Note: this information is all pulled from the Tuition & Deadlines source blocks. Here you will only see the group name, no values.
  • Comment changes, link Trello card, and submit the block
  • Publish the sidebar includes (in _includes folder) to make this update live on the website

Update tuition content

  • Go to _source-data
  • Select block “Tuition”
  • Types of tuition or areas are grouped separately
  • Update the cost in the text boxes
    • Note: Do not include the $, that is automatically added when this is converted into currency display
  • Comment changes, link Trello card, and submit the block
  • Publish the sidebar includes (in _includes folder) to make this update live on the website

Update deadlines content

  • Go to _source-data
  • Select block “Deadlines”
  • Types of admission or areas are grouped separately
  • Use the date selector to pick a date for the appropriate area
    • Note: the year is not included since these dates don’t generally change year to year, so it is not necessary to update this every calendar year.
  • Comment changes, link Trello card, and submit the block
  • Publish the sidebar includes (in _includes folder) to make this update live on the website