Use of DeepSeek on Campus-Restrictions and Exemptions

Use of DeepSeek on Campus-Restrictions and Exemptions

As defined by Governor Youngkin's Executive Order 46 (2025) the Commonwealth of Virginia has prohibited the download and use of DeepSeek, the artificial intelligence application and web site, on state-owned networks and devices. In accordance with this executive order, DeepSeek is banned on Christopher Newport University networks and client devices.

To fulfill this directive, Information Technology Services has instituted blocks and restrictions of DeepSeek via:

  • The university’s campus network
  • Web browser applications
  • Downloadable apps on university devices

Christopher Newport has been granted a limited exemption to the executive order in the following circumstances:

  1. To conduct research into the DeepSeek AI product to better understand its capabilities and operations, and
  2. To conduct or assist with security research regarding DeepSeek AI for governmental clients.

These exemptions are permitted, subject to the following conditions and restrictions:

  • Use must take place in a secure environment, meaning that appropriate cybersecurity safeguards are in place (including system and network isolation or containment) to separate DeepSeek AI research from any other university work and to ensure that the permitted, exceptional use of DeepSeek AI does not create any possibility of access to Commonwealth data or systems (including both governmental data and personal data of Virginians).

  • The cybersecurity safeguards employed in regard to the DeepSeek AI environment should be in accordance with NIST SP 800-53 rev.5, SEC530, or an equivalent established standard.

To request DeepSeek access for research purposes, please submit a ticket to helpdesk@cnu.edu or https://help.cnu.edu. ITS approval is required to ensure compliance with the exemption's conditions and restrictions.