Adding freshman admission staff

NOTE: This is only for permanent, full-time staff and excludes Freshman Admission University Fellows.

The freshman admission people page differs from other staff pages in that it is hand coded HTML and must be manually updated every time there is a staff change.

  • Follow the steps for adding a staff member
  • Edit block _content / admission / Freshman / People
  • Select the source code editor (< >) in the WYSIWYG
  • Copy code <article> … </article> and paste below closing </article> tag where appropriate
  • Update <div class=”info”> using new staff member listing information
  • Click OK
  • In the WYSIWYG, select the image
  • Click Insert/edit image
  • Check/edit the following:
    • Image Type: internal
    • Image Source: select and browse to the new staff member’s headshot file to change
    • Image description: change to new staff member’s name
    • Dimensions: 200x300, constrain proportions is checked
    • Class: img-responsive
  • Click OK
  • Select the three vertical dots at the top right and comment on any updates you made – include the web request number or a link to the card in Trello for tracking
  • Select Check Content and Submit
  • The error/spell check dialogue box will appear, click the check mark in the top right if there are no errors
  • Publish the page to all destinations