New files


After scanning the PDF for accessibility, rename it using the following convention:

For Forms: cnu-form-file_name.pdf
For Policies: cnu-policy-0000_policy_name.pdf and replace the 0000 with the policy number
Other: cnu-file_name.pdf

After the file is renamed, it can be uploaded to Cascade.
Note: if you are just updating the file, it does not need to be renamed since Cascade will not overwrite file names within its system.

  • Navigate to the site folder
  • Select the _pdf folder
  • Click +Add Content  at the top left
  • Select Default 
  • Select File 
  • A dialogue box will open
    • Click the blue choose to upload a file from your computer (the drag and drop option is finicky and doesn’t always work)
    • The filename will auto-populate
    • Browse to where you have the file saved and select it
    • Click open
    • Click the blue Preview Draft button at the top right
    • Make sure the file looks OK in the draft preview – you can always go back and edit it if something went wrong
    • If everything looks good, click the blue Submit button at the top
    • Enter any comments/changes you made/date you updated the file into the dialogue box and click Submit
  • Click Publish at the top right and select all destinations where the file should get published

Google Drive

Google Drive is used to store files on myCNU and can be accessed using the Web Services account. 

  • Scan the file for accessibility
  • Rename the file
    • on Google Drive, we can used capital letters and spaces
    • ex. animal_contact_form080323_fillable.docx1.pdf  becomes  Animal Contact Form.pdf  
  • Upload to the appropriate folder in the Google Drive
  • Get link to the file
    • In the folder in Google, right-click on the file
    • Go to Share , then  Copy link 
  • Add the link to Cascade
    • Go to my  site
    • Click _content  to expand the folder listing
    • Click _external links 
    • Click google drive 
    • Locate the folder with the same department/office name where file was uploaded
    • Go to +Add Content  
    • Select External Link 
    • Input the link name (Note: this should be the same name as what you renamed the file, without the .pdf extension)
    • Add the link
    • Click the blue Preview Draft button at the top right
    • Make sure the link looks OK in the draft preview – you can always go back and edit it if something went wrong
    • If everything looks good, click the blue Submit button at the top
    • Enter any comments/changes you made/date you updated the file into the dialogue box and click Submit