Common Online Learning Questions -- Faculty

Common Online Learning Questions -- Faculty

My Students Can't See my Course

Faculty must make their course available for students to see it.  They can follow these instructions

My Students Can't Access Collaborate

Collaborate must be added to the course menu.  These instructions will tell them how.

Collaborate is Taking my Students to a MS Access/MS Excel Page

The faculty member missed a step when creating their Collaborate link.  They need to delete the existing link by clicking on the dropdown menu and choosing Delete.

Then, they need to create the link as in these instructions, making sure that the "Type" field reads "Blackboard Collaborate Ultra"

My Name is Incorrect in Scholar/Collaborate

That is drawn from the Preferred Name field in Banner.  They should contact the Registrar's Office at (757)594-7155 or register@cnu.edu to have their Preferred Name changed.

How do I Merge My Classes

Here are instructions

How do I Take Attendance/View Student Photos OR The Attendance/Photos Tool is Missing

Here are instructions.

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