Log in to Scholar

Log in to Scholar

To log in to Scholar, go to my.cnu.edu and sign in with your CNU ID and password.  You will be taken to the CNU Connect Screen.  From the blue bar, choose “Scholar” (it may be in a slightly different place on your blue bar based on the systems that you are allowed to access).

SSO Page Scholar

Occasionally, there may be technical problems that prevent CNU Connect from functioning properly.  Should this happen, you can access Scholar directly by visiting scholar.cnu.edu.  


If on-campus IT services are unavailable, you may have to use the backup address of cnu.blackboard.com.  Using the backup address will cause your browser to display a security warning; in this case, it is okay to bypass the security warning.


Directly accessing Scholar using either of those addresses will bring you to the Scholar login page.  Enter your CNU ID number and password on the screen, and you can log in to Scholar.


Scholar Login

You’ll then see the main Scholar screen.  

Scholar Activity Stream

You can access your courses from the “Courses” section of the page.  Keep in mind that your courses will not be available unless the faculty member make them available.

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