Install Mathmatica on a CNU-owned computer

Install Mathmatica on a CNU-owned computer

Creating a Wolfram Account

Go to user.wolfram.com and click “Create Account.”

Create Wolfram Account

Fill out the information requested and click “Create Wolfram ID”

Create Wolfram ID

You’ll then receive an e-mail from Wolfram asking you to verify your e-mail address.  Click on the link in the e-mail, and your account will be automatically verified. Once you’ve done that, proceed to the directions for your specific type of installation.

Obtain a License Key

Faculty/Staff on CNU-Owned Machines

Click this link and log in with your Wolfram portal account: https://user.wolfram.com/portal/requestAK/324b7c68924713e9b20595e79c88d55994cc63b3

Fill out the form with the relevant information. You will then be given an activation key in the format XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX.  You will also be e-mailed a copy of the key. Create a software install request at help.cnu.edu to have the software installed on your machine.

Activation Key Created

Installing Mathematica

If you are using a CNU-owned machine, simply file a request at help.cnu.edu.  

The first time you run Mathematica, you’ll be prompted for your activation key.  Enter the key that you got during the key request process and press Activate. You’ll need to be connected to the Internet to activate your software.

Activate License

Accept the license agreement on the next page.  You’ll then be able to use Mathematica.