Sync and update participant lists in TurningPoint
To get information about how individual students have answered questions using their clickers, you’ll have to import your student list into the TurningPoint Software. This student list is created by students registering their clickers in Scholar. Read the registration article for information on clicker registration.
Registering with TurningPoint
Click on the registration link that you’ve set up in your class.
Your e-mail will be pre-filled into the form. If you’ve never had a TurningPoint account, click Create Account. If you already have one, click Sign in.
You’ll be sent an e-mail with a link to finish your account creation. Some of the information has been pulled from Scholar, but you will have to pick a password.
Your account will be created, and you’ll be taken to your account page.
Syncing your Course
Syncing courses is simple. Log into your Turning Technologies account either through the link in Scholar, or at, and you’ll see a list of your courses under Available Courses.
Click the Connect button under the course(s) that you’d like to sync.
It will move to the Current Courses list in your account and be available in your TurningPoint app.
Refreshing your Participant List
Your participant list will be automatically updated each time you sign in to the TurningPoint app. However, if you need to manually update it, you can do so by clicking on the Manage tab.
Click on the refresh button at the top of your course list to refresh the participant lists.