Get a Single Document Signed in DocuSign

Get a Single Document Signed in DocuSign

All Christopher Newport University users are able to create one-time documents to be signed in DocuSign.  If you need to use the same document multiple time, you'll instead want to create a template.  You must attend a training session to get the ability to create templates.

The document or set of documents that you're sending to be signed are called envelopes in DocuSign and you'll see several references to that term in the system.

The first step is to create the document(s) that you would like users to sign in a regular word processor like Microsoft Word.  Some tips for creating them:

  • Leave a good amount of space for signature lines or anything that you want people to fill out; the fillable fields take more room than regular text
  • Unless you plan to also get signatures on a printed version of the document, there's no need to put lines in. If you leave the space, you'll be able to drop in fields
  • DocuSign can take Word or PDF files.  If you already have fillable fields in the form you upload, DocuSign will use those, but if you don't, you can create them in DocuSign. 

Once your document is ready, sign into DocuSign.  If you create, send and sign documents within the main (Production or SIGN) DocuSign tool, they are legal documents, so for testing, we recommend using our demo (or BUILD) system that you can access at account-d.docusign.com.  Both systems have the same capabilities, but documents created in the demo system are not legally binding. The system that we're using for our documentation is the demo system, so button colors will be different on our production one.

On the front page, either drag and drop your document into the box in the center or click the dropdown menu in the center and choose Send an Envelope.

Either way, you'll be taken to the Add Envelope page. On the top, you can add documents by dragging and dropping, or by clicking the Upload button and clicking Browse.

Once your documents are in, you need to choose who will need to sign them under Add Recipients.  You have one recipient by default, and you need to type in the name and e-mail for that person.

Each recipient can be required to sign the document, listed as an in-person signer, be sent a copy, or be sent a copy and required to view.  To select which is the case, click the Needs to Sign dropdown.

If you'd like to add more recipients, click Add Recipient at the bottom.

If you have more than one person set up, they will receive the document at the same time by default.  If there's a particular order that these need to go in (for example, if there are approvals that need to be given for filled-out forms), you can do so by checking the "Set signing order" box and entering numbers to the left of the different recipients to set the order.

Once you have all of your recipients in, click the Next button at the bottom right.

You'll be taken to a screen where you can build your fillable form.

On the right side, you'll see the different form fields available. If you have multiple recipients of the document, you'll need to indicate which of them each field is for.  You do that by selecting the recipient from the dropdown menu at the top of the field list before clicking and dragging the field. The fields will be color-coded by recipient.

Drag and drop fields where they go in your form.

Usually, you'll want text fields for most items that people will fill out.  You can also use things like checkboxes for items where multiple selections are appropriate, or radio buttons for where a single selection is appropriate.

When using either of these, place the first one where you want it to go. Then, click the plus sign to add additional check boxes or radio buttons to the group.

The Name and E-mail fields are special.  They will automatically fill in the name or e-mail of the recipient as entered in the setup for the envelope.

Once you put a Name field into your document, you can click on it to bring up a panel on the right side that contains a dropdown menu allowing you to pick whether the person's first name, last name, or full name is displayed.

Next, drag the Signature and Date Signed fields to the appropriate places on your form.

Signature will contain the legal signature, and Date Sign will be automatically populated with the date that the person signs the document.


Once you have each recipient's fields set up, click Send to send the envelope.

When you do, all parties will receive the envelope and can sign it.  You'll be sent a copy when the envelope is complete, and a copy will be added to your DocuSign account. 

This is just the most basic procedure for sending an envelope, and there are many more features.  If you want additional details, contact Will White at william.white@cnu.edu.