Use my CNU Google Mail to check other email accounts

Use my CNU Google Mail to check other email accounts

You can use the Connect interface with your other e-mail accounts.  To do so, first navigate to your CNU email. click on Settings menu in your e-mail account (the button should look like a gear in the upper right of your screen) and choose “See All Settings”.

Gmail Settings

On the “Accounts” tab, select “Add another email address.

Accounts Add Address

Enter the display name, and the e-mail address in the appropriate field. If you are the sole owner of the e-mail address, make sure “Treat as an alias” is checked.  If you’re using a shared e-mail address, or sending e-mails on behalf of someone else, uncheck that box. Then, click “Next Step>>”.

Gmail New Email Address Field

You’ll then be taken to a screen asking you to send a verification e-mail to the account.  Click “Send Verification” to do so.

Gmail New Address Send Verification

You will then receive an e-mail with a confirmation code at the e-mail that you’re adding.

Gmail New Address Confirmation Message

Enter the confirmation code in the box in your CNU Connect e-mail account, and click “Verify”

Gmail Verify New Address

If the code is correct, the popup window will disappear, and your e-mail address will appear in the “Accounts” tab of the “Settings” menu.

Gmail New Address Listed