Understand recurrent events in Google Calendar

Understand recurrent events in Google Calendar

To create a recurring event in your calendar, create an event by clicking the create button or clicking and dragging on the date/time of the first occurrence of your event.

Click “More Options” in the box that comes up. Likewise, you can also click on the date/time field at the top of the box. 

Google Calendar More Options

Give the event a name, enter the start date for the event, and click on the Repeat dropdown.

Google Calendar Repeat DropdownGoogle Calendar Repeat Dropdown 2

You’ll be given a list of options for the most common repeating patterns. Please note that these repeating patterns will not end on their own, so if the meeting stops happening, you’ll need to remove the meeting later if you no longer need it.

Google Calendar Common Repeat Patterns

If this works for you, you can set up the rest of the event options and click Save.

Google Calendar Save Repeats


Custom Repeating  Patterns

If none of these work for you, you can set your own by choosing Custom from the list of options.

Google Calendar Custom Repeat Option

A box will then pop up for you to enter in the date/time pattern for the event.

Google Calendar Custom Repeat Settings

From the “Repeat Every” dropdowns, you can choose between different date patterns for your event to repeat. You can have it repeat based on days, weeks, months or years. Based on which option you pick, you can add details to that choice (for example, weekly repeating allows you to choose the day of the week). You can also set  the ending date for the event series. When you’ve got the set up that you want, click “Done”. When you do, you’ll see the repeating pattern under the date information.

Google Calendar Custom Repeat Created

Click “Save”  and your event will be created.

Google Calendar Save Button

Changing/Deleting Events

You can change or delete events simply by clicking on the event, and changing or deleting as normal.  When you accept the change, you will be presented with the following screen asking you whether your change should affect just that event or the whole series:

Google Calendar Delete Repeating Event Options

Choosing “Only this event” affects only that event.  However, if you make changes in the future, they can overwrite that change.  The other two options affect either all events after the one you change, or all events (before and after).  This will overwrite any exceptions that you’ve made with the “only this event” choice. For a more detailed explanation of recurring events, see the Google documentation at: https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37115?hl=en.