Transferring an Employee in ERS
When transferring an employee out of your department for any reason, a key step as a supervisor is to transfer their access to University resources, which can include terminating their access to department-specific resources. This can be initiated using the Employee Resource system. Log into the Employee Resource system and select the Employee in question.
On the Employee Resource Profile, select Transfer Employee.
A mini-window will pop up in the center of the screen, requesting two pieces of information:
- The Resource Collection Date is the date at which HR needs to collect all the department-specific resources allocated to this employee. This is usually their last day of employment within the department or their first day within their new role.
- The Notes field is a space for you to provide context on the termination of resources. This is a required field, but can be simply filled with the reason for the employee's transfer (Ex. Promotion, etc.)
Click Submit to submit the transfer request. You will be returned to the Employee Resource Profile, but with a few changes: the list of resources allocated to them is no longer present, and the ability to request new resources for the employee has been removed.