Move a single item in Scholar

Move a single item in Scholar

The following items can be copied or moved from one course to another:

  • Items
  • Files
  • Piazza Forum links
  • YouTube mashups
  • Audio/Image/Video files
  • Web Links
  • other items within the Build Content tab.

To copy a single item or assignment from one course/section to another:

  1. Click the contextual menu next to the name of the item. The interactive menu icon appears as you move your pointer over the name of the item.

Scholar Item Contextual Menu

Click to see the menu.

  1. From that menu select either copy or move. If you move the item it will no longer appear in the original course shell.

Scholar Move Item Option

  1. On the ensuing page select the Destination Course from the pull down menu.

Scholar Move Item Destination Course

  1. Select the destination folder in the target course shell by using the browse button.

Scholar Move Item Destination Folder

  1.  A pop up of the target courses available areas will appear. Select the course area in which you want the item to appear.

Scholar Available Areas

Clicking on the text next to a folder will immediately bring you back to the main screen.

  1. Select Submit.

You will get a message to confirm successful copying of the item. You can then check it by navigating to the destination course.

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