Export e-portfolios from Scholar
Scholar’s portfolio feature allows you to share portfolios that you create directly from the system. However, you may wish to put the portfolio on another website, or retain it after you graduate. You can use the Export Portfolio function in Scholar to do so.
To export your portfolio, navigate to the portfolio homepage. Choose a portfolio and choose Download from its More menu.
After a brief delay, the portfolio will be available for download. Click the link to download it.
Your portfolio will be downloaded as a zip file. To view it, you should unzip it with the appropriate tools for your operating system. On Windows, right-click on the file and choose Extract all...
On Mac OS, simply double-click the file.
Either way, you can then view your portfolio by double-clicking index.html.
You can also upload the zipped file to many web hosts. Check with them for documentation on how to do so.