Manage Institutional Folders in Scholar

Manage Institutional Folders in Scholar

Institutional folders allow you to share content with other faculty members across the institution. To receive a folder in which to share content, request one from ITS.  Once your request has been fulfilled, you’ll receive a link to the content, and a description of where on the system to find it. Either click on the link or follow the described path to get to your shared folder. 

You will be given full management rights for the folder that is created for you.  This means that you can add and delete content, and can also give others the right to do so.  Keep in mind that students do not have access to the Content Collection, and therefore will not see the files even if you give them permission (they WILL see any files posted in courses). 

To add content to your shared folder, view the Uploading Content article <link>.

Creating Subfolders

You can create subfolders under each folder by clicking “Create Folder”

My Content Create Subfolder

Then, give the folder a name and click “Submit”:

Folder Name


You can allow other people access to any folder for which you have management rights. To do so, click the permissions symbol.  

  • Folders that have no permissions set display this symbol: 
  • Folders with permissions set display this symbol: 

You will then see who has permission to do what with your folder.  If you’re accessing permissions for an institutional folder, you’ll see your name with all permissions allowed. Do not edit or delete this; doing so will render you unable to access the folder.

Manage Folder Permissions

To allow a specific user access to the folder, click on Select Specific Users at the top:

Specific User Folder Access

You should then enter the username or usernames into the Select Users field.  If you don’t know the person’s CNU ID number, click Browse to search for a user.

Select Users

If you do search for a user, you’ll see the screen below.  You can search by username (usually the CNU ID number), first name or last name.  Check the box on the right next to the user or users that you would like to have access to the folder and click submit.

User Search Box

Next, you need to choose which permissions to give the user.

User Permissions Settings

Users will only be able to do what you allow them to.  You can give multiple permissions to the same user:

  • Read allows the user to view the content in your folder
  • Write allows the user to upload content to the folder and to overwrite existing content, but not delete content
  • Remove allows the user to remove content (but not add it)
  • Manage allows the user to change the permissions on the folder

When you’ve selected the proper permissions, click submit.

If you’d like to allow all faculty to access your content, you can click “Select Roles” and choose “Institution Roles”

Select Institution Roles

Select the “Faculty” institution role and click the right arrow.  Repeat that for “Staff”. The choose the permissions that you’d like and click “Submit”.

Institution Roles Selection Field

To change what permissions that a user or group of users has, hover over the user or group name, click the dropdown and choose “Edit”. 

Edit Role Permissions

You can then add or remove permissions. Make sure to check Overwrite under “Advanced Folder Options” if you want your changes to be reflected in all subfolders of the folder and all items in the folder.

Overwrite Folder Permissions

When you have the permissions the way you want them, click “Submit.” 

To remove all access to the folder from a user or group, check the box next to the user or group name, and click Delete.  This doesn’t delete the user or group, it just removes access to your folder.

Delete Folder Access

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