Insert Images in Test Questions/Answers

Insert Images in Test Questions/Answers

All question types now support adding images to test questions, and the following types support images in the answer choice fields as well:

  • Matching
  • Multiple Answer
  • Multiple Choice
  • Ordering

Please note that even though you can select an image in the "correct answer" field for Essay and Short Answer questions, students will NOT be able to upload images to these content types.  If a student must submit an image, you'll need to create a File Response question.

Images are now added directly to the test question/answer in the associated content box.  Just click the plus sign.

Plus Sign

Then, click Insert Local Files.

Insert Local Files

You'll be able to insert your image.  

For accessibility reasons, we highly recommend that you give each image a descriptive title that doesn't reveal the test answer (as all students can see this title).  To do so, right-click the image and choose Image.

Insert Image

Add a description to "Alternative description" and click Save.

Alt Description