Document/Assignment/Test Visibility in Ultra Courses

Document/Assignment/Test Visibility in Ultra Courses

All content in Ultra courses has the same visibility settings. By default, all content starts as "Hidden from students." You can set the visibility of any content with the dropdown either directly under the title in the main "Content" area, or in the top-right corner of the edit screen.

Dropdown on ContentDropdown in Edit Menu

All types of content have the same three options:

  • Visible to students:  ALL Students can see the content and interact with it as necessary
  • Hidden from students: NONE of your students can see the content
  • Release conditions: You can set specific students to see the items,  AND/OR schedule dates/times for your content to appear

Release Conditions

While Visible and Hidden are self-explanatory, Release Conditions is a bit more complex.  When you select Release conditions, the Release Conditions panel will appear with the different conditions that you can set. 

Please note that this is not how you would give specific students a different date/time for a test.  To do that, see our article on test exceptions.

Release Conditions are divided into Rules, which can each contain multiple criteria:

  • ALL criteria within each rule must be met in order for the rule to allow the material to display
  • ANY ONE rule must be met in order for the material to display

The first rule is created for you.  You can give it a name by clicking on the pencil at the top 

Edit Rule Name

You can make the item only visible to certain people by selecting "Specific members or groups" and choosing the course members or groups that you'd like to see the item.

Specific members or groups

To change the dates and times that the item will become visible, check the Date/Time box and set a date and time for access to start in the "Access from" date and the date you want the item to be hidden in the "Access until" date.

Performance allows you to show items based on the grade that the student achieved on one or more assignments/tests other than the one that you're setting release conditions for in the course.  Select the graded item in the "Gradable item" box, then the grade that the student needs to achieve in the "Requirement" one.

Performance, Gradable Item, and Requirement

If you want a different range other than the ones in the dropdown menu, select Custom Range, and you can set the minimum and maximum grade value on the selected grade that will cause your content to display.

Custom Range

If you want to add another graded item to the rule, you can click the "Add perfomance criteria" button at the bottom.  Remember, ALL criteria within a rule must be met in order for the item to display to students.

Add performance criteria

Once you have all the criteria that must be met in order for the student to see the item entered, click Save at the bottom right of the screen to save the rule. If you don't see the Save button, it means that you haven't correctly set up one or more criteria.

Save button

Each Rule sets up all of the criteria that will show the item to students.  If you want to create multiple possible ways that a student can access the item (for example, if you have multiple sections of a class and want the item to display to students at different dates/times).  Remember, while all criteria within a rule must be met to show the item, only one rule must be met.

To make a new rule, click "Add new rule" on the left.

Add new rule

To edit a rule, simply click on it on the left side and edit it using the same process you used to create it.

Edit rule

To delete a rule, click on it on the left, then click the three dots next to the rule name and choose Delete.

Demo rule, three dots, Delete