Use Qwickly Course Tools
Qwickly Course Tools provides several functions for working with multiple courses. You can send e-mails, create course content and assignments, make your courses available, or post announcements in multiple courses at once. This tool is similar to the Qwickly module formerly in the top-right corner of the previous Scholar screen.
Accessing Qwickly Course Tools
To access Qwickly Course Tools, click on the Tools link on the left side of the main Scholar page.
Then, click Qwickly Course Tools.
Sending E-mail
To send e-mail to your course(s), click on the Send E-mail link at the left.
Select the course(s) that you'd like to e-mail on the left.
Choose whether you want to e-mail everyone, or only particular roles (student, instructor, course builder) in the class. Unless you have multiple instructors in the course who don't need to receive the e-mail, it's usually best to leave it as Everyone.
Put in a subject, and type your e-mail.
To attach files to your e-mail, click on the Computer link on the bottom.
Then, click Choose File to find your file.
Click Submit to send your e-mail.
Creating Assignments
You can also create an assignment across multiple courses. To do so, select Create Assignment on the left.
Select the courses that you'd like to create the assignment in on the left.
Give the assignment a name, and set the due date and time if you'd like one.
Type instructions in the box below that.
In the next set of boxes, you can set the availability of the assignment.
You MUST select a content area for the assignment to go in by checking Select Content Area.
If you want the assignment in the same area in all of your selected courses, you can choose that content area from the dropdown menu. Otherwise, select Select Per Course.
If you do click "Select Per Course," you can select the destination content area on the left.
Click Submit, and the assignment will be created in the selected courses.
Making Courses Available
Qwickly Course Tools availability works pretty much the same as it did in the old Qwickly tool. To use it, click Course Availability.
You will see toggles for all of your courses. Click the relevant toggle to change the availability status of your course.
If you have a lot of courses, you can search for a course, view only available courses, or view only unavailable courses with the boxes on the top.
Posting Announcements
You can also post announcements in multiple courses. To do so, choose Post Announcement.