Add a Clicker Registration Link to my Ultra Course

To make registration available for students you should build a link to the tool in your Course Content Feed. To do so, click "View Course & Institution Tools" in the course's Details and Actions menu. 

Course Tools

A sidebar will open showing several available tools. If Turning is visible in the initial list, click the plus sign next to the course tool; if it is not, click "Browse All Course Tools" at the bottom of the sidebar. 

Browse All Tools

This will bring you to a full list of available course tools. Click the Plus sign for Turning Account Registration to add the tool to your course. 

Add Tool

The tool will be added in the form of a link in your Course Content feed. This link will be hidden from students by default; you will have to use the dropdown below the link to make it visible before students can use it to register their clickers. 

Tool Link Hidden