Adding Calculations to the Gradebook
Calculations can be used to take previous grades in the gradebook, as shown in individual-item columns, and aggregate them using a custom calculation or formula. Using a Calculation can save an instructor considerable work in calculating grades throughout the semester, or provide a student with a quick snapshot of their progress in one or multiple parts of a course. To create a calculation, navigate to the Gradebook. Use the Add Item button to select "Add Calculation" from the resulting dropdown.
(NOTE: This is NOT intended for use in calculating a student's current or final grade! To create a space intended for final grades, Refer to our article discussing Overall Grades.)
The Calculation space will look very similar to that of the Advanced option for calculating an Overall Grade, in that it allows you to create a custom calculation for your Gradebook. This space will consist of a large empty space, and two lists: Functions and Variables, and Operators.
To begin making a calculation, drag one of the functions from the list into the main space. Once it is in that space, you can click the resulting dropdown and select the category or individual grade item that this function applies to. (Please note that if applying a function to an existing gradebook item, that item must first exist in the gradebook on its own.)
You can then chain these functions together using the operators. Drag the operators into the space in the same way you dragged the functions, and place them in the appropriate location in your calculation. (The example below is using an operator to add two averages together.)
There are some additional options at the top of the page regarding how the grade generated in this calculation is presented to students:
1. Grade Schema allows instructors to present the grade in this calculation as Points, a Percentage, or as a Letter Grade,
2. The check below the grade schema determines whether the calculation is made as a running grade (meaning that any items that have not been graded yet are not included until graded). It is recommended that you leave this box checked; unchecking it will result in the calculation defaulting to any ungraded items having a value of 0.
3. You are also provided a field where a description of the calculation's purpose can be written. While not required, this can be useful to provide context, particularly in preventing a calculation not intended for use as an Overall Grade from bring read as such.
click 'Save' at the bottom of the page when you have finished customizing your calculation and settings. The new external grade will be created, and visible in your Gradebook.