Accommodations and Exceptions on Graded Items in Ultra Courses

Accommodations and Exceptions on Graded Items in Ultra Courses

As an instructor, you will at times need to provide a student with alternate conditions for an assignment, test, or other graded item on your Ultra course. This may be due to scheduling conflicts (ex. athletics scheduling), or due to a student's special needs (ex. accommodations). In these cases, you may need to embed these alternate conditions into the course to ensure that the student is graded fairly. 

(Note: Accommodations should first be documented with the university via the Student Affairs office in the David Student Union, and official documentation of the student's needs should be provided to the instructor before they can be added into a course. Please discuss these needs with the student in question before utilizing the instructions below.) 

Time Limits

Accommodations for time limits are applied on a per-student basis, and will apply to any timed assignment given to the student in question. To access these accommodations, open the student roster on the left-hand-side of the course.

Ultra Roster

On the student in question, click the three-dot menu on the far right-hand side, and click "Accommodations". 

Ultra Accommodations

A sidebar will open allowing you to add a time limit accommodation to the student. To add this accommodation, make sure the box is checked. You will then be able to set the amount of extra time provided per assignment–either via a custom percentage applied to each assignment separately, or a setting that provides a student unlimited time on timed assignments. Click "Save" to save the new time limit to the student; this accommodation will be applied to any timed assignment or test placed onto the course, and no further action is required. 

Time Limit Accommodation Settings

Per-Assignment Conditions (Due Dates, Multiple Submissions, etc.)

Other alternate conditions may apply on a per-assignment basis, rather than universally across the course (Ex. alternate due dates, allowing multiple submissions, etc.). These must be applied to the student within the context of the specific assignment, and are labeled as Exceptions rather than Accommodations in Scholar. To access Exceptions for a graded item, enter the Gradebook. 

Gradebook Ultra

Select the specific assignment the Exception will be applied for. You will navigate to the submissions list for the assignment; this may be empty of submissions if the assignment has not been released to students yet. 

Gradebook Select Assignment

Locate the student who will receive the Exception, and click the three-button icon on the far right of their row. Select "add/edit exceptions". 

Add O

This will open a sidebar menu where you can select specific Exceptions for the student to receive on that specific assignment. This can include an alternate due date on the graded item, alternate release dates, and changing the number of attempts a student can submit on the graded item. 

Available Exceptions Ultra

After making any necessary changes to these settings, click "Save" at the bottom of the sidebar. These Exceptions will be applied to this assignment only; if you need to apply Exceptions to multiple assignments, you may have to repeat this process in each relevant assignment or test.