Understand test taking best practices in Scholar

Understand test taking best practices in Scholar

It is always a possibility with an online test or quiz that you could lose your connection or have a submission fail to complete. No system is perfect, but here are a few suggestions you should follow to prevent having to retake the test:

  1. Have as few browser windows as possible open.
  2. Use a reliable web browser such as Firefox or Chrome.
  3. Once you have started the test, DO NOT click on the Scholar link in your CNU Connect screen. This will create a new Scholar session and sign you out of the test. Instead, open all Scholar windows that you ’ll need before starting the test.
  4. Wired connections are more reliable than wireless connections, so use a wired connection if possible. If not possible, use a wireless connection known to be reliable, and have an alternate means of communication ready in case of emergencies.
  5. If writing long essay answers, type them into a word processing program. Then copy and paste them into the test. That way, if you experience a browser crash or timeout with Scholar, you have the work saved.

Finally: should you experience a failure in the test application, contact your instructor immediately. If you don't let the instructor know about the problem during the testing period, this appears no different than a student being absent for an in-class exam without notice.