Regrading test questions in Scholar
This document refers to regrading test questions from within an Original Scholar course. For regrading a test question within a test in an Ultra course, the relevant documentation is located here.
Accidentally check the wrong answer for a quiz question? Now, you may regrade tests that contain an error.
You can access and regrade the quiz via the link in the content area the test is deployed. Click on the interactive menu and select ‘Edit Test’.
Conveniently, you can also access the test for editing from within a test attempt you are grading. At the top of that test, simply open the link labeled ‘Test Information’.
When this area expands, click on ‘Edit Test’ at the bottom of the information.
The following screen will display the ‘Test Canvas’. This includes all the questions from the test.
To change the answer(s) of a question find that question, click the interactive menu link and choose ‘Edit’.
*If you simply wish to remove an errant question and its impact on the score of the test you may select ‘Delete and Regrade’ at this point. This will remove the question, points and points possible from the test.
After selecting edit the question opens and you can make the needed changes.
For this example the multiple choice question is simply changed by clicking the proper radio button. *The method of change will vary according to the question.
At the bottom of the Edit Question page you now simply click ‘Submit and Update Attempts’.
This adjusts the answer and rescores every submitted attempt accordingly.
You can also alter the score for a test question prior to entering the edit question interface.
On the Edit Test page the score for each question appears in a small field to the right.
This might be employed if you had a very hard question that you decided to remove from the test but wanted to keep the evidence of how students performed. Another common adjustment might be awarding extra credit but not counting the wrong answer against those that missed the question.
On the Test Canvas page simply click in the small score box for that question.
the area will expand.
You can alter the point value here. You can select extra credit so that the points possible do not calculate into the test. You may also check full credit to simply award full credit to everyone.
To complete whichever action you opt for click ‘Submit and Regrade’.
After completing one or the other of these processes all attempts for the particular test will be adjusted.