Add Cengage/Webassign Content to your Scholar Course
Cengage and WebAssign have integrations between their online platforms and Scholar. These integrations allow you and your students to access materials without remembering separate logins, lets you link to specific textbook sections or assignments and enables automatic syncing of grades back to Scholar.
To set up your Cengage or WebAssign integration, you should first contact your Cengage representative and ask them to associate the textbook or WebAssign materials with your account.
Then, go into the content area in which you'd like the first set of materials to appear. From the Partner Content menu, choose Content Market.
Select Cengage from the list.
Select the materials that you'd like to link.
Depending on the specific book, there may be different tools available. Contact your Cengage representative for detailed instructions on what to do to select materials.
Once you've selected items to bring over, you're taken to a screen in which you can select the Grade Center category for any graded items.
Click Submit, and the item will be added to your course. Simply repeat this process to add additional items.
If you need help with linking to Scholar, please contact ITS. If you need help with anything in the Cengage platform, please contact your Cengage representative.