Classroom Audio Visual Technology Instructions

Classroom Audio Visual Technology Instructions

This article is intended to provide comprehensive information about audiovisual (AV) system usage and configuration in all academic halls.


Locate the touch panel on the wall or the lectern to power up the room and start utilizing the Audio Visual Technology.

  1. Tap the touch panel on the lectern to wake it up if it is black.

  2. Tap the touch panel again to begin the bootup sequence. This will bring up a loading screen with a progression bar. Please wait until the sequence completes.

  3. Once the system has loaded, you will be presented with source selection options. 

    1. PC: This routes the lectern PC video to the projector and audio to the room speakers

    2. LAPTOP HDMI: This routes your laptop video to the projector and audio to the room speakers. Please ensure your laptop computer is connected to the HDMI in the well on top of the lectern.

    3. BLURAY: This will route the Blu-Ray video to the projector, audio to the room speakers, and bring the Blu-Ray controller to the touch panel. The Blu-Ray player is located behind the door below you. If it is locked, please call the help desk at x47079 or (757) 594-7079.

    4. DOC CAM: This will route the document camera to the projector. Gently raise the document camera by the D ring at the front of the camera. Press the left button on the base to power on the right button on the base to turn on the light. When finished, press the left button to turn off the document camera and gently lower the camera by the D ring on the camera neck.

  4. To adjust the room's volume level, please use the volume adjustment located at the bottom center of the touch panel.

  5. When finished, tap “Exit System” in the bottom right corner of the touch panel.

    1. Press the red to confirm to shut down the system.

    2. Press the green cancel button to go back to the source selection screen.

If you have any issues, please contact the ITS HELP DESK at x47079 or (757) 594-7079 for assistance!