Basic Course Setup
There are a couple of steps that you need to do to set up an Ultra Course: converting from original, and making it available to students.
Converting from Original
To convert your course from Original to Ultra, click the Ultra button.
Click the "Try the Ultra Course View" button.
You'll be returned to the course menu and the conversion process will start. You'll receive an e-mail once it's done.
Your course will be converted to Ultra. Most items will be automatically converted with no issues, but you may notice a few changes:
- Content Areas (the things on the left side of the screen in Original that can contain files, tests, etc.) are converted to folders.
- Any more than three levels of folder are flattened out.
- Unsupported test questions aren't converted. Right now, that's only File Response, Quiz Bowl, and Jumbled Sentence.
You may get a bunch of warnings about other content, but it's usually just for fonts or other irrelevant information.
Click on the course, and you'll see a preview. Double-check it to make sure it looks like you expect.
Click on the "Use the Ultra Course" button. Your course will be permanently converted to Ultra.
Making the Course Available
Similar to Original courses, Ultra courses are not available to students when they're first created. To make them visible to students, click the link under "Course is Private."
In the box that pops up, click Open to Students.
If you need to close the course again, click the link again. In the box that pops up, choose Make Course Private. Do not click Complete Course; your course will remain available to students, but they will no longer be able to submit work.