Export/Import Ultra Courses

This process should only be used for special circumstances where the course copy process doesn't work or to archive courses that will be deleted.  Unless ITS has advised you to use this process, you should instead use the course copy process.

To export your course in Scholar, open the three-dot menu at the top of your Course Content feed, and select "Export Course Package" from the resulting menu. 

Export Course Package

A sidebar will open that will contain a list of all the current course packages stored there. You can click on one of the existing packages to begin downloading it to your computer. if you wish to create a new export package, click the Export button next to the sidebar title. 

Export Course

A mini-window will open asking if you wish to include student activity data with the export package. If you wish for your export to include student assignment and test submissions, discussion posts, and grades, click 'Yes'; otherwise, click "No". Either selection will begin the generation of the course package. (Note: if you wish to only transfer some items in your course to another location, please refer to the document discussing the copying of content items from course to course here.)

Student Data

When the course package is complete, it will be added to the list of available packages under the Manual section. As a manually created export package, it will only be available for download for a limited time, and can be deleted at any time. It is recommended that you click on the package to download it to your computer as soon as possible, to prevent an unintentional lapse. The package will download in the form of a .zip file, which compresses all the files and data the course needs. DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE UPON DOWNLOADING. Just store it in a safe location until you are ready to import the package back into Scholar at a later time.

Export Package List

Save the download in a folder on your computer or to your Google Drive.

Importing Exported Materials

At this time we recommend that you use Ultra Courses' import tools to only import content-only packages into a class. This is to prevent accidental enrollments of prior students into new courses. If you wish to import a course package containing information such as student submissions and grades, please submit a ticket through our Helpdesk for assistance.

To import your exported course into a new one, navigate to the course that you want to import into.  Then, click Import Content on the three-dot menu at the top of your Course Content feed. 

Import Content

You’ll then be brought to the Import Content sidebar. Click on Import Course Content, which will open up a window that lets you navigate the files on your computer. NOTE: At this point, the zip file should be present somewhere directly on your computer; if you have been storing it in a cloud storage system like Google Drive, you will need to download it. 

Import Content List

Use the browse button to find the zip file on your computer and select that file. Ensure that the file is still zipped at this time, and has not been unzipped. If so, click "Open" to begin the import process. 

Scholar Exported Zip File

You will see a notice at the top of your course that new content is being imported into your course. This notice will disappear when the import is complete, and you will receive an email notifying you. This may take some time depending on the size of the course package being imported.  Note that in Ultra, the import process assumes that all items in the export package are being imported. You may have to do some cleaning of your course if this is not the case; otherwise, you may want to consider using the Course Copy process to copy items directly from one course to another. 

Importing Course

If the export file was created before May 2019, you’ll need to UNCHECK NAVIGATION SETTINGS.  Failure to do so can bring over the old look-and-feel, and make your course appear broken.