Creating/Uploading Content

Creating/Uploading Content

All content in an Ultra course is in the main Course Content area in the center of your course.

To add syllabi, readings, or other general content, click on the plus sign where you'd like the content. If your course is empty, that appears in center of your screen near the bottom.

 Add Content button

Once you have content in your course, you'll see the plus sign between every set of items

Plus sign between items

Uploading Files

If your content is saved on your computer, choose Upload.

Upload Button

Locate the material on your computer and double-click it.  Once you do, it will upload to your course. You can also drag and drop content into your course, but make sure that the content area of your course turns purple.

Upload File

Either way, the file will be hidden from students by default.  Click "Hidden from students" and change it to "Visible to students" to allow students to see the item.

Visibility Toggle

Adding Written/Media Content

If you prefer to either type out instructions or show media, you can create a Document.

Choose Create from the plus sign menu.

Create Content

In the menu at the right, choose Document.

Create Document

Give the document a name at the top.  This will be the displayed name that students click on.

Document Name

Click Content.

Content button

You have the content editor and can type in your content.

Content Editor

To add a video or other media that you have the address for, click the plus sign and choose Media.

Insert Media

Paste in the address in the URL box, enter alternative text in the box, and click Insert.

Insert Web Media

If you don't know the address, click on YouTube Video.

Add YouTube Video

Search for a video and click Select.

Select Video

Choose whether you want the video to display in Scholar or be a link.  Then, click Submit.

Video Settings

If you want to add a picture from your computer, click the paperclip icon.

Attachment Button

Select a file.  Then, give the image a title, and descriptive alternative text.  Then, choose "This file displays inline..." and click save.

Edit File

The image will be added to the page.

Students will have to click on the item to see any of the content.  If you do want to have some text showing to the students before they click on it, you'll need to edit the description.  To do so, click the gear.

Edit Settings Button

Add a description and click Save.

Description Box

Finally, you'll need to make the item available to students by changing it from "Hidden from students" to "Visible to students."

Visibility Dropdown

Finally, click Save.

Save Button

Adding External Links

To add a link to content elsewhere on the internet, you'll add a link.  Click the plus sign and choose Create.

Create Button

On the right-side panel, choose Link.

Create Link

Give the link a name, and if you want students to see it, choose "Visible to Students".  Then, paste the address in the "Link URL"  field.  If you want a description of the site to display to students, enter it in the Description field.  Then, click Save.

Link Settings